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Secret Lives, Secret Deals (Part 2)

Posted on Sun Feb 4th, 2024 @ 10:13am by Captain Banri Edasaki & Lieutenant Commander Lurath, Son of Grogori
Edited on on Sun Feb 4th, 2024 @ 10:14am

1,444 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Search
Location: USS Bismarck Brig

Previously on Star Trek Ermiana:

Attached to the file was his profile that spoke about his former work at a Bajoran Occupation Camp and ho he helped free them. Later, becoming close with them and taking one as his wife. It also speaks briefly of his young daughter. So, in a way, Casey was right about him having a family. Only, his family wasn't Cardassian. They were Bajoran and his daughter was a hybrid raised in the Federation.

John took a few moments to skim over the file. "So, you're an undercover Starfleet Intelligence officer..." he said a smile stretching across his face. "And I thought that it was just some bullshit story you made up to try and talk your way out of this..."

He looked up and met the Cardassian's gaze. "I am guessing that the Cardassian government are unaware of this... This could work..." he smirked at Zodrac. "Not only will Starfleet want you back, but we could sell this information to the Cardassian government. Exposing a Starfleet spy could easily derail that treaty which gave them our colonies..."

"Why thank you mister Zodrac. Exposing yourself like this might work more in our favour than our original plan." he smiled.

And now the continuation...

Without missing a single beat, or appearing remotely intimidated, Zodrac counter. "And, that message, would be a whole lot better if you had a Cardassian ship instead of a Starfleet one." He said firmly as he looked into the mans eyes. "Part of my job is collecting information and, one of the things I came across, were shut down codes to Cardassian ships. These codes exist because the Cardassians don't want their ships being take over by their enemies. You free me, Captain Edasaki, release the Bismarck, and tell us where her crew is I will help you capture a Cardassian ship and teach you how to remove that shut down code so it can't be used on you." He took a step back from the force field, opening his arms out, chuckling slightly. "I don't give a damn about your fight with the Cardassians. I'd actually prefer to buy you a drink for all the ones you've managed to kill. My only goal is to get back to my wife and daughter. I would also like to believe a smart man knows how much of a stronger message he can have when he can just stroll right to Cardassia Prime, in a Cardassian ship, and deliver his message in person while watching their faces for white in the embarrassment that you went through all those checkpoints undetected. Starfleet doesn't want to stop you, Mister Casey. Their only concern is the Bismarck and her crew. I'm offering you a chance to remove one problem and heavily arming you to deal with the other. Win-win for you."

Before John had a moment to answer, Zodrac stepped forward again, this time seemingly frustrated. "And, before you think exposing me will do for your cause, take a second to look at that file again. I have helped keep a majority of you and your people alive by keeping you all one step ahead of the Cardassians. I have come damn close to exposing myself by help you. You want proof? It's in your hands. Contact every colony on there that I gave a warning to and ask them how close they came to losing people. Families. Children. I've seen what the Cardassians do to people! Do you think I want to see it repeated!" He slammed his palms into the force field causing it to surge slightly before pulling them away. He seemed unaffected by it. "You expose me, every life I could have saved still undercover, is on... you." He pointed to Casey slowly. "You're a stupid man if you think our colonies will remain hidden from them. They've already found you several times already and it took me, a Starfleet Officer playing Cardassian, to make sure you're people survived. You expose me, you refuse my help, you're people are as good as dead and Starfleet will be just as much up your ass as they are now. Because, you're proving to be a threat to them, more than you are the Cardassians. This treaty... it's to keep the peace and keep the Cardies in line. Not to make friends with them. I can tell you, there are Admirals in Starfleet, who care more about making the Cardassians pay for their war crimes against the Bajorans then letting them get away with it."

There was a few moments of silence as John processed what Zodrac was saying to him. He returned his gaze back to the PADD, his eyes moves left to right as he re-read the information it contained. "My original plan was to use you both as bartering chips. To ransom you back to both governments for the return of our homes, the lands we raised our families in. The homes that the Cardassians took from us." He explained to them both. "However..." he looked at the guards who had accompanied him. "A Cardassian Warship is better armed than this ship, even I can see that. Not only would it give us a tactical advantage, we can finally get our hands on its systems. Analyse them, work out how to use them to ourn advantages..."

He turned to ponder for a few seconds. He then turned back after a few moments and looked back at Zodrac. "You say that you have a Bajoran wife and a child with her. Tell me Mister Zodrac, what would you do to protect them from the Tyranny of the Cardassian Military?"

"I've already fought against them when I was freeing my wife and the other Bajoran prisoners." Zodrac said softly before slowly approaching the force field again, looking deep into the mans eyes. "As far as my daughter is concerned. I have no desire to drag her into a war, but I would protect her with my life. Kill anyone who lays a hand on her."

Once again the room was graced with silence. John looked back at the PADD again for a few brief moments. Finally he reached out to the controls and lowered the forcefield. "I would do the same for my own daughter. I've already lost one to the Cardassians. She was seven years old when they 'reclaimed' our colony." he said simply. "The Bismarck for a Cardassian Warship and that code. Do we have an accord?" he asked as he hastily held out a hand.

Zodrac looked over to Banri before slowly stepping out. He couldn't imagine losing Elra, let alone to a Cardassian attack, so he sympathized with the man. He looked over to Banri again, motioning for her to join him, as he turned back to John and said. "The Bismarck and the location of the crew. I'll give you the code and help you capture a Cardassian ship, but I can't promise this code will work again. Understand. I'll help you get it. It's your job to keep it."

"Good enough for me." John said. "Captain?" he added looking back at Banri.

Banri had remained quiet throughout this entire conversation. Finally she let out a sigh. "I have to admit, I don't like this plan at all. If it was upto me, I would have taken you all into custody for what you have done." She paused. "However... I won't lie, my first duty is to my ship and my crew. I can't ignore that. But, we'll have to keep this between us. If Starfleet Command find out about us helping you capture a Cardassian Warship, not only will that destroy the peace treaty, but we'll be spending a long time in a Federation penal colony."

Zodrac looked to Banri. "Captain... You don't have to be a part of this. You can stay here, in the brig, and be completely safe from anything that happens. And... if you still want to report me to Starfleet Command. You are within you're right. I am prepared to plead my case if necessary. I have made arraignments for my family in case something were to happen."

A wry smile stretched across Banri's face. "You know." she said as she held up a hand. "If you ever go into command, there's a little secret that all us Captains know. Thats 'What Starfleet Command doesn't know, can't hurt them'" she said simply. "Lets just get this over and done with."

Posting By:

Captain Banri Edasaki
Commanding Officer
USS Bismarck

Gul Jalak Rin/Lieutenant Zodrac Kosh [Lurath NPC]
Undercover Starfleet Intelligence Officer

John Casey
Maquis Leader


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