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For the best

Posted on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 1:52am by Breeze

962 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Search
Location: Breeze Quarters
Timeline: Several days after departing DS-9


The chime of an incoming transmission sounded with the Deep Space 9 logo upon the screen. Breeze paused and let out a short breathe; she knew by instinct who would call from her previous stationing. A pang of regret beat in her chest as she got up from reading on her sofa nestled in the soft pillows.

Crossing to the Console she seated herself and activated the keyboard, taking a breath to calm herself she centered her emotions before answering the hail.

The handsome face of Major Beauregard Jenson of the Marine Corps appeared before her and her breathing hitched in her throat; she felt almost lucky that she was unable to speak as she would have had a tremble to her tone had she spoken at that moment. Her hands were not as steady as she would normally be.

[Hello Bo Bo.] her voice resonated over the channel as she typed.

"Breeze..." His Marine facade gone as he look upon her with that fondness he had for her. "Should I be apologizing for something I have done?"

That hurt, she was ready for the blow yet still felt the sting.

[You have done nothing wrong.] Her voice replied as she smiled into the handsome face she had become accustomed to seeing for he two moths they 'Dated'.

Very fond memories of those months will remain with her always. She had to steady her breathing, she could almost read his emotions in his eyes, no need of her gifts nor the fact that heritage trait is not of use over long range subspace.

Her heart wrenched a bit; they had met while at a Diplomatic function, his Marines helping to secure the area occupied by the Federation Envoy to Tartus III, negotiations between two factions biding for supremacy of a planet rich in exportable resources. The war between them left no profitable margin outside financing the battles.

Working the catering part of the function Breeze tended the Open Bar during the festivities, while unable to partake during duty Jenson was 'guarding the section of the room nearest the Bar. Breeze felt the initial fancy he felt for her and his captured interest. It seemed her face was a deeper color all night.

Jensen had his intentions very clear quickly and within days her Lounge was a new Hang Out amongst the Marines of the Station, her naming him 'Bo Bo' was a nervous attempt at being coy and bad typing due to nerves. The laugh he echo touched her heart and the name had stuck.

"You decided to transfer awfully quick." He posed the underlying question. "I thought I had convinced you to hang around and then next thing you were pulled back a bit then gone?"

[I-I did telly you..." Breeze tried to steady her typing. "I-I would be leabing...]

"Your typing slipping..." He partly teased. "Something IS bothering you Love."

Cursing her traitorous heart for not remaining broken and silent.

[You confuse me and I cannot properly ...] Her voice was in mid typed sentence.

"You do not lie well." Jenson corrected. "You are fighting yourelf again, not letting anyone get through to you, you know me better than that."

She did , that hurt worst.

[It was needed.] Breeze managed to get the words across properly as images of their romance flashed in front of her eyes.

"Why so Important you evade... now?" He asked with a calm confidence in his line of questioning.


"Requests, you always call them requests for your abilities." He corrected.

[You... know, knew that I am -not...] She could not type the words she felt from her imagery language natural to her into simple written words, they flash image of a kiss with him was not easily expressed in humanoid word language.

"I Do know you, and you are getting conflicted, fighting between your head and...." He gaze burned through her being in those eternal seconds. "H-e-a-r-t." He drew the word out for emphasis. "I know you love me."

[N-n-ever denied it.] She controlled her breathing. [I had to leave.] She has conviction that must have shown in her face.

"Again, why?"

[I am not a diplomat, I do not work for f-f-l-l-eet.] Her hands were unsteady. [It is hard to be around the anger and such... y-y-ou of-f-f a-a-ll know how anger a-at m-me is?] she needed to tell him this was the reason and covince him.

Breeze had to, really.

"I am calling you on that one, you cannot fool me because I do know anger and negative emotions your way do hurt you more than just feelings. But you always have mottled through and You know it."

[I st-ill needed to go, you need to re-r-ealize that.]

"I miss you, a bit colder at night."

It was an unfair jab, she had felt similar but is getting past it, really she is.

[Requisition a thicker wool blanket, a real one this time not replicated paper.] Breeze managed a witty comeback.

He gave her that damned 'Smoldering grin and gaze.


Breeze forced a shrug and raised her chin defiantly.

"Just admit you love me." Jensen pushed.

[Never denied it.]

"Then ... why?"

[As my mentor said when her relationship ended; 'Not my Imzadi.']

"You are not a Betazoid." He countered.

[Just closely mentored by one, rubbed off on me.] This partial truth would have to do.

"Is that your cop out?" He growled. "Then Good-Bye Breeze."

He cut the channel.

'You do not want to know the real 'Why Bo Bo.' Breeze thought to herself as a tear ran down her cheek.

"I am not 'your Soul Mate." She slowly signed to herself. "And never will ever be... sorry."

Listening to her own modulated voice to break the sudden silence.



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